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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Too busy to read all the Toronto Mayor platforms, read about it 140 characters at a time

I've never liked lengthy writing, so when Larry King CNNBRK lost the race to Ashton Kutcher APLUSK reaching a million followers on Twitter I decided to give it a try and became addicted.

I started with one for myself JAMESDSHARP, one for Shari, one for her cousin, the playright, and after hearing about SHITMYDADSAYS I created one for Shari's father (he didn`t like the idea) so I renamed it DWTStars then later deleted it after last years season (too time consuming, and short lived)

I have created/renamed other twitter accounts since, but TORONTOVOTE is my current favorite and without realizing it or attempting to copy it, it is only 1 letter away from the Official Feed of the City of Toronto Elections Services in the City Clerk's Office twitter account

My aim for my twitter account TORONTOVOTE is Re-tweet relevant news/platforms/links in Toronto's 2010 Mayor Race and list and RT candidates if not bashing another mayor candidate

I want to provide a place for those who want to find Toronto Mayor's platforms, speeches, links, news but without all the bickering, backstabbing and berating that normally goes on in politics.
The Biggest problem I've discovered with Toronto's Mayor Race is there was 31 running (5 dropped out) but less than half of them have twitter accounts to date and those that do usually have someone tweeting on their behalf from their campaign office or if they tweet themselves is is not always election relevant.

But lastly, I am trying not to be biased towards one mayor or the other, they all have good points to share and twitter allows the exchange of ideas between mayors and the public better than any debate or meeting where only a few mayors or voters can attend.

Twitter's stage is the world, and there is no one preventing any mayor or voter from having their voice heard as I have seen comments (tweets) with the Hashtag #Voteto from across Canada joining in the conversation.

But my favorite so far is from AliceT_
Dear #Toronto mayoral candidates, please do not use the hash#voteTO unless you have something relevant to say instead of your weekend plans

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